A Parrot Reciting Qulhowallah !! Take A Break and Listen to It! Here is a Parrot who can recite a Surah from The Holy Quran
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Saudi Man Throws His Wife Through A Window!
A Saudi Man throws his wife through a window - because he caught her 'chatting' with a man below - and then they say ... this is how 'Muslim Men' treat their women!!!
A Letter To A Pastor From An Omani Student In America........
Dr. Fatma's Letter To The Pastor.
الدكتورة فاطمة أنور تواجه اعتداءات الكنيسة المعمانية في أمريكا
A Letter To A Pastor From An Omani Student In America........
الدكتورة فاطمة أنور اللوتيانية
تواجه اعتداءات الكنيسة المعمانية في أمريكا
حضرت محاضرة القتها أمريكية من أصل مصري غيرت دينها من الإسلام الى المسيحية . و في المحاضرة تهجمت المصرية على الإسلام و على النبي الأكرم محمد (ص) ، فتصدت لها الأخت الدكتورة فاطمة أنور اللوتيانية ، فأهانوها و طردوها من الكنيسة ، فوجهت خطابا الى كبير اساقفة تلك الكنيسة . أرفق لكم خطاب الدكتورة الجريء و الهادئ وهي توبخ كبير الأساقفة و تحاججه بالتي هي أحسن .
أرجو أن تقرؤوا المقالة ..
May 7th 2010
The First Baptist Church
Charlottesville, VA
Dear Dr. Lindsay Sadler, Jr.,
Senior Pastor
I feel obligated to write to you given your position of Senior Pastor at the Baptist Church in Charlottesville, about my recent and unforgettable very first visit to your Church. Regretfully, visiting the First Baptist Church was the worst experience I have ever faced or imagined facing at a place of worship in my entire life.
On Saturday May 1st, 2010, I visited the First Baptist Church on 735 Park Street after hearing about a presentation by an Egyptian-American woman who converted to Christianity from Islam. As part of my Muslim/Christian interfaith group, I decided to attend in order to share my experience to the group. I was particularly interested since I am a Muslim and have not encountered many such converts.
The presenter described her harsh upbringing in a family without a father; her mother let her at the age of 13. Later in life, she was abused by her husband. I felt sorry for her and sympathized with her experience. However, then she blamed her misery in the past on her old religion that she did not practice; she concluded that Islam promotes abusing women. She went on to verbally attack my prophet Mohammed and the prophet of Muslims worldwide under the watch of some of the Church's leadership and congregation.
This came as a real shock to me! I did not expect that at a place of worship, a presenter would blatantly attack the principles and figures of another religion. I thought that when one presents on a holy altar, she would do so with honesty and integrity rather than twisting truths to spread hate and fear. I assumed your Church would try to reach people through love instead of demonizing the religion of 1.6 Billion Muslims, world's second largest and fastest growing, at a time when mutual understanding and acceptance is of utter importance.
What is the logic behind inviting such a speaker whose sole aim is to stir people's emotions against another religion? Is it the intention of your church to arouse the hatred of your congregation towards Islam and Muslims? I requested a chance to say a few words after the questions and answers period and after the congregation prayed for the speaker. I wanted to introduce the audience to the true concepts of Islam and introduce them to my experience as a Muslim woman, and share how Islam portrays Mary and Jesus. However, before I could say much, the speaker ordered the microphone be disconnected. Why did a visiting speaker command authority in your Church?
I started my small discourse by thanking everybody for receive me among them. Them, I told them who I am: I am the daughter of a man who has five daughters and one son: all with college degrees, including: a Ph.D., M.S., and M.D. I come from a middle class family with a loving mother and a wise father who instilled faith in us and the love of education as commanded by Islam.
I have five successful children, two daughters who will be receiving degrees in Medicine and Chemical engineering this year. I never felt abused neither as a daughter nor as a wife. I felt respected, loved and endowed with the freedom to pursue my dreams. I am here in the United States as a Fulbright scholar from a country in the Middle East, Oman. I never felt discriminated against as a female by my government or culture. I have a loving husband who helped me finish my education and a Ph.D., in spite of my early marriage which was my very own choice. I have the freedom to learn and earn.
However, I could not continue to speak because the microphone was disconnected per the speaker's order. She interrupted and asked me to answer her question by saying either "yes" or "no" or she would disconnect the microphone. I refused by saying "there is no black and white". She asked me again, "Can you become a Christian? Yes or no?"
I said: "I will not choose to be a Christian because I already believe in Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad, may peace be upon them. I already believe in Jesus as a prophet." And your Church disconnected the microphone. They came and got the microphone from me and an old man escorted me out, while yelling horrible words at me. It was such an unbelievable experience, where, despite hearing talk about the LOVE of Jesus numerous times, I did not see any evidence of love.
I must say I feel bad for your congregation who I hope were not deceived by the speaker's words: presenting domestic violence as Islamic violence. She is a product of an unhealthy family and was unable to distinguish between her own experience as an abused child and later an abused adult, and her rights as a woman in Islam. The rights Islam entitles women and men are the basis used to establish the Human Rights code in the UN.
It is frustrating to see people holding double standards. When a problem arises in the Middle East or the Arab world, Islam is the culprit. A similar problem in the United States is viewed as domestic abuse. In the Arab world, whatever happens is the fault of Islam. In the West where the many forms of domestic abuse present from a father abusing his daughter, an unfaithful president, even bishops and priests abusing children, and church scandals, yet the cause of all of these are not attributed to religion. However, when an ordinary person such as your speaker is abused in a Muslim county, Islam is to blame!
I reject blaming of either Islam or Christianity because these are divine religions that strictly reproach all evil.
I send you this letter in the hopes you would take steps to stop hatred from emanating from your Church and instead carry the message of peace and love as revealed by Jesus. I hope your Church will build bridges of love with the religiously diverse Charlottesville community and reach out to those of different beliefs in a peaceful way. I would be glad to have the opportunity to speak at your Church and introduce the true concepts of Islam that enrich my life.
Finally I want to point you to a quote from the Quran that narrates the story of Jesus. I hope it will serve as a good first step to emphasize the similarities between Islam and Christianity in their shared love and respect for Mary and Jesus in the hope of promoting peace and understanding.
He spoke: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet, (30) And hath made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive, (31)And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest. (32) Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive! (33) Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt (34) It befitteth not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. (35). (Qura'n, 16-19)
(http://www/. quranexplorer. com/quran/)
Thank you and peace be upon you,
Fatma Al-Lawati, PhD.
Fulbright Scholar
University of Virginia
الدكتورة فاطمة أنور تواجه اعتداءات الكنيسة المعمانية في أمريكا
A Letter To A Pastor From An Omani Student In America........
الدكتورة فاطمة أنور اللوتيانية
تواجه اعتداءات الكنيسة المعمانية في أمريكا
حضرت محاضرة القتها أمريكية من أصل مصري غيرت دينها من الإسلام الى المسيحية . و في المحاضرة تهجمت المصرية على الإسلام و على النبي الأكرم محمد (ص) ، فتصدت لها الأخت الدكتورة فاطمة أنور اللوتيانية ، فأهانوها و طردوها من الكنيسة ، فوجهت خطابا الى كبير اساقفة تلك الكنيسة . أرفق لكم خطاب الدكتورة الجريء و الهادئ وهي توبخ كبير الأساقفة و تحاججه بالتي هي أحسن .
أرجو أن تقرؤوا المقالة ..
May 7th 2010
The First Baptist Church
Charlottesville, VA
Dear Dr. Lindsay Sadler, Jr.,
Senior Pastor
I feel obligated to write to you given your position of Senior Pastor at the Baptist Church in Charlottesville, about my recent and unforgettable very first visit to your Church. Regretfully, visiting the First Baptist Church was the worst experience I have ever faced or imagined facing at a place of worship in my entire life.
On Saturday May 1st, 2010, I visited the First Baptist Church on 735 Park Street after hearing about a presentation by an Egyptian-American woman who converted to Christianity from Islam. As part of my Muslim/Christian interfaith group, I decided to attend in order to share my experience to the group. I was particularly interested since I am a Muslim and have not encountered many such converts.
The presenter described her harsh upbringing in a family without a father; her mother let her at the age of 13. Later in life, she was abused by her husband. I felt sorry for her and sympathized with her experience. However, then she blamed her misery in the past on her old religion that she did not practice; she concluded that Islam promotes abusing women. She went on to verbally attack my prophet Mohammed and the prophet of Muslims worldwide under the watch of some of the Church's leadership and congregation.
This came as a real shock to me! I did not expect that at a place of worship, a presenter would blatantly attack the principles and figures of another religion. I thought that when one presents on a holy altar, she would do so with honesty and integrity rather than twisting truths to spread hate and fear. I assumed your Church would try to reach people through love instead of demonizing the religion of 1.6 Billion Muslims, world's second largest and fastest growing, at a time when mutual understanding and acceptance is of utter importance.
What is the logic behind inviting such a speaker whose sole aim is to stir people's emotions against another religion? Is it the intention of your church to arouse the hatred of your congregation towards Islam and Muslims? I requested a chance to say a few words after the questions and answers period and after the congregation prayed for the speaker. I wanted to introduce the audience to the true concepts of Islam and introduce them to my experience as a Muslim woman, and share how Islam portrays Mary and Jesus. However, before I could say much, the speaker ordered the microphone be disconnected. Why did a visiting speaker command authority in your Church?
I started my small discourse by thanking everybody for receive me among them. Them, I told them who I am: I am the daughter of a man who has five daughters and one son: all with college degrees, including: a Ph.D., M.S., and M.D. I come from a middle class family with a loving mother and a wise father who instilled faith in us and the love of education as commanded by Islam.
I have five successful children, two daughters who will be receiving degrees in Medicine and Chemical engineering this year. I never felt abused neither as a daughter nor as a wife. I felt respected, loved and endowed with the freedom to pursue my dreams. I am here in the United States as a Fulbright scholar from a country in the Middle East, Oman. I never felt discriminated against as a female by my government or culture. I have a loving husband who helped me finish my education and a Ph.D., in spite of my early marriage which was my very own choice. I have the freedom to learn and earn.
However, I could not continue to speak because the microphone was disconnected per the speaker's order. She interrupted and asked me to answer her question by saying either "yes" or "no" or she would disconnect the microphone. I refused by saying "there is no black and white". She asked me again, "Can you become a Christian? Yes or no?"
I said: "I will not choose to be a Christian because I already believe in Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad, may peace be upon them. I already believe in Jesus as a prophet." And your Church disconnected the microphone. They came and got the microphone from me and an old man escorted me out, while yelling horrible words at me. It was such an unbelievable experience, where, despite hearing talk about the LOVE of Jesus numerous times, I did not see any evidence of love.
I must say I feel bad for your congregation who I hope were not deceived by the speaker's words: presenting domestic violence as Islamic violence. She is a product of an unhealthy family and was unable to distinguish between her own experience as an abused child and later an abused adult, and her rights as a woman in Islam. The rights Islam entitles women and men are the basis used to establish the Human Rights code in the UN.
It is frustrating to see people holding double standards. When a problem arises in the Middle East or the Arab world, Islam is the culprit. A similar problem in the United States is viewed as domestic abuse. In the Arab world, whatever happens is the fault of Islam. In the West where the many forms of domestic abuse present from a father abusing his daughter, an unfaithful president, even bishops and priests abusing children, and church scandals, yet the cause of all of these are not attributed to religion. However, when an ordinary person such as your speaker is abused in a Muslim county, Islam is to blame!
I reject blaming of either Islam or Christianity because these are divine religions that strictly reproach all evil.
I send you this letter in the hopes you would take steps to stop hatred from emanating from your Church and instead carry the message of peace and love as revealed by Jesus. I hope your Church will build bridges of love with the religiously diverse Charlottesville community and reach out to those of different beliefs in a peaceful way. I would be glad to have the opportunity to speak at your Church and introduce the true concepts of Islam that enrich my life.
Finally I want to point you to a quote from the Quran that narrates the story of Jesus. I hope it will serve as a good first step to emphasize the similarities between Islam and Christianity in their shared love and respect for Mary and Jesus in the hope of promoting peace and understanding.
He spoke: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet, (30) And hath made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive, (31)And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest. (32) Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive! (33) Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt (34) It befitteth not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. (35). (Qura'n, 16-19)
(http://www/. quranexplorer. com/quran/)
Thank you and peace be upon you,
Fatma Al-Lawati, PhD.
Fulbright Scholar
University of Virginia
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The American War In Iraq
Hear the celebrations ... and hear the screams of dying men in the destroyed Masjid Mosque .... ............
Monday, May 17, 2010
Respect and Esteem Your Parents!
Watch The Video!! It will make you cry - especially if they are all gone now! If they are alive, you have the time to ammend and make up ,,, Allah SWT Be With You - Amin...
The son was getting annoyed because his father asked him a few times what is that? A Sparrow. The Father showed the son his diary entry when the excited son as very young had asked the same question to him The Father many times more before.
The son feels bad and kisses his Father on the head - with the Holy Quraan verse on How To Esteem and Respect parents (they do not deserve to be shouted at etc.. but talk to them calmly and cooly ... because worldly saying one day you too will be old ... and your son may do the same to you ---- because what goes around; comes around!!!
The son was getting annoyed because his father asked him a few times what is that? A Sparrow. The Father showed the son his diary entry when the excited son as very young had asked the same question to him The Father many times more before.
The son feels bad and kisses his Father on the head - with the Holy Quraan verse on How To Esteem and Respect parents (they do not deserve to be shouted at etc.. but talk to them calmly and cooly ... because worldly saying one day you too will be old ... and your son may do the same to you ---- because what goes around; comes around!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Visit My Other Religious Site (Deen)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
> http://www.mashahd.net/view_video.php?viewkey=296012bccffbd03474c1&page=1&viewtype=basic&category=mr
> The Corpse That Was Crying!
> http://www.mashahd.net/view_video.php?viewkey=296012bccffbd03474c1&page=1&viewtype=basic&category=mr
AAWW - It is in Arabic - but it tells about a corpse that was caught crying - because he had died and he had left behind his parents he was looking after - and that now he is gone - who will look after them...this was in Saudi Arabia.
> قصة رجل توفى في الطائرة أثناء توجهه الى مكة لأداء فريضة الحج. هذا الرجل كان بارا بوالديه لدرجة أن دمعت عينه اليمنى أثناء غسله وذلك حزنا على أبيه وأمه اللذان كان يخدمهما ولن يجدا أحدا يخدمهما بعد فراقه لهما. اقرأ القصة ثم اضغط على الرابط تحته
> The Corpse That Was Crying!
> http://www.mashahd.net/view_video.php?viewkey=296012bccffbd03474c1&page=1&viewtype=basic&category=mr
AAWW - It is in Arabic - but it tells about a corpse that was caught crying - because he had died and he had left behind his parents he was looking after - and that now he is gone - who will look after them...this was in Saudi Arabia.
> قصة رجل توفى في الطائرة أثناء توجهه الى مكة لأداء فريضة الحج. هذا الرجل كان بارا بوالديه لدرجة أن دمعت عينه اليمنى أثناء غسله وذلك حزنا على أبيه وأمه اللذان كان يخدمهما ولن يجدا أحدا يخدمهما بعد فراقه لهما. اقرأ القصة ثم اضغط على الرابط تحته
A Story Worth Reading!
A Story Worth Reading.
Since last night my young son has been unwell. When I got back from Work this evening I decided to take him to hospital despite my exhaustion.
There were many waiting; perhaps we will be delayed by more than an hour. I took my number and sat down in the waiting room. There were many faces, young and old, but all silent. Some brothers made use of the many booklets available in the waiting room. Some of those waiting had their eyes closed, while others were looking around. Most were bored. Once in a while the long silence was broken by a nurse calling out a number. Happiness appears on the one whose turn it is, and he gets up quickly; then silence returns.
A young man grabbed my attention. He was reading a pocket-sized Qur`an continuously; not raising his head even once. At first I did not think much about him. However, after one hour of waiting my casual glances turned into a deep reflection about his lifestyle and how he utilizes his time. One hour of life wasted! Instead of making benefit of that hour, it was just a boring wait. Then the call for prayer was made. We went to prayer in the hospital's Masjid. I tried to pray close to the man who was reading the Qur'an earlier in the waiting room.
After the prayer I walked with him. I informed him of how impressed I was of him and how he tries to benefit from his time. He told me that most of our time is wasted without any benefit. These are days that go from our lives without being conscious of them or regretting their waste. He said that he started carrying the pocket-sized Qur`an around when a friend encouraged him to make full use of his time. He told me that in the time other people waste he gets to read much more of the Qur`an than he gets to read either at home or in the masjid. Moreover, besides the reward of reading the Qur`an, this habit saves him from boredom and stress.
He added that he has now been waiting for one and a half hours. Then he asked, when will you find one and a half hours to read the Qur`an? I reflected; How much time do we waste? How many moments of our lives pass by, and yet we do not account for how they passed by? Indeed, how many months pass by and we do not read the Qur`an? I came to respect my companion, and I discovered that I am to stand for account and that time is not in my hand; so what am I waiting for?
My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse calling out my number; I went to the doctor. But I want to achieve something now. After I left the hospital I quickly went to the bookshop and bought a pocket-sized Qur`an. I decided to be mindful of how I spend the time.
If this information is beneficial to you, then please do forward it to your friends and relatives. Our Prophet (SAW) said; 'Whoever guides or directs to good, then he gets the same amount of blessing (reward) as the one who does it'
The Prophet (SAW) also said 'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'
Since last night my young son has been unwell. When I got back from Work this evening I decided to take him to hospital despite my exhaustion.
There were many waiting; perhaps we will be delayed by more than an hour. I took my number and sat down in the waiting room. There were many faces, young and old, but all silent. Some brothers made use of the many booklets available in the waiting room. Some of those waiting had their eyes closed, while others were looking around. Most were bored. Once in a while the long silence was broken by a nurse calling out a number. Happiness appears on the one whose turn it is, and he gets up quickly; then silence returns.
A young man grabbed my attention. He was reading a pocket-sized Qur`an continuously; not raising his head even once. At first I did not think much about him. However, after one hour of waiting my casual glances turned into a deep reflection about his lifestyle and how he utilizes his time. One hour of life wasted! Instead of making benefit of that hour, it was just a boring wait. Then the call for prayer was made. We went to prayer in the hospital's Masjid. I tried to pray close to the man who was reading the Qur'an earlier in the waiting room.
After the prayer I walked with him. I informed him of how impressed I was of him and how he tries to benefit from his time. He told me that most of our time is wasted without any benefit. These are days that go from our lives without being conscious of them or regretting their waste. He said that he started carrying the pocket-sized Qur`an around when a friend encouraged him to make full use of his time. He told me that in the time other people waste he gets to read much more of the Qur`an than he gets to read either at home or in the masjid. Moreover, besides the reward of reading the Qur`an, this habit saves him from boredom and stress.
He added that he has now been waiting for one and a half hours. Then he asked, when will you find one and a half hours to read the Qur`an? I reflected; How much time do we waste? How many moments of our lives pass by, and yet we do not account for how they passed by? Indeed, how many months pass by and we do not read the Qur`an? I came to respect my companion, and I discovered that I am to stand for account and that time is not in my hand; so what am I waiting for?
My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse calling out my number; I went to the doctor. But I want to achieve something now. After I left the hospital I quickly went to the bookshop and bought a pocket-sized Qur`an. I decided to be mindful of how I spend the time.
If this information is beneficial to you, then please do forward it to your friends and relatives. Our Prophet (SAW) said; 'Whoever guides or directs to good, then he gets the same amount of blessing (reward) as the one who does it'
The Prophet (SAW) also said 'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A Jew explains why Allah is The One and Only God - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65zyICBKBPI&feature=email
A Jew explains why Allah is the One and Only God
A must see! The legendary video in which a Jew rebuffs the claim of evangelicals, newly edited and now in annotations!
Even Jesus said Allah. According to an Aramaic dictionary,
the word for God in Aramaic (The language which Jesus spoke) is "Aalah", which is the exact same thing as the Arabic "Allah" since in English there are many ways to spell a foreign word (Example you can spell the Muhammad's name in 27 ways, including Muhammad and Mohamed). Just visit the link and type "God" if you don't believe me, then scroll down to "Pronunciation"
So Christians, if your God Jesus said "Allah", it means the Muslims are using the correct word for the creator!
A Jew explains why Allah is the One and Only God
A must see! The legendary video in which a Jew rebuffs the claim of evangelicals, newly edited and now in annotations!
Even Jesus said Allah. According to an Aramaic dictionary,
the word for God in Aramaic (The language which Jesus spoke) is "Aalah", which is the exact same thing as the Arabic "Allah" since in English there are many ways to spell a foreign word (Example you can spell the Muhammad's name in 27 ways, including Muhammad and Mohamed). Just visit the link and type "God" if you don't believe me, then scroll down to "Pronunciation"
So Christians, if your God Jesus said "Allah", it means the Muslims are using the correct word for the creator!
Monica From Germany Converts To Islam - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4TTZ0DRhbg&feature=email
Monica From Germany Converts To ISLAM .. Live!
Ever more Germans convert to the Islam; The number of those new converts since 2004 has been doubled several times .. (now 4000 per year)
These are not only women who marry muslim men, but Germans who convert to the religion of Islam by rational Conviction ..
ISLAM is spreading in Germany rapidly..
According to the German Channels, RTL & 3Sat, there is about 4000 new muslim Germans every year. More than half of the number are women.
More Germans Convert To ISLAM:
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.
The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly
Ever more Germans convert to the Islam; The number of those new converts since 2004 has been doubled several times .. (now 4000 per year)
These are not only women who marry muslim men, but Germans who convert to the religion of Islam by rational Conviction ..
ISLAM is spreading in Germany rapidly..
According to the German Channels, RTL & 3Sat, there is about 4000 new muslim Germans every year. More than half of the number are women.
More Germans Convert To ISLAM:
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.
The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly
The Triple Filter Test!
The Triple Filter Test.
During the golden Abbasid period, one of The Scholars in Baghdad – the capital of Muslim Caliphate at that time – was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem.
One day, an acquaintance met The Great Scholar and said – Do you know what I just heard about your friend?
The Scholar - Hold on a minute, before telling me anything I would like you to pass a little Test. It is called The Triple Filter Test.
The Man - The Triple Filter Test?
The Scholar – That is right. Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you are going to say.
That is why I call it The Triple Filter Test. The First Filter is TRUTH.
Have you absolutely made sure that what you are about to tell me is TRUE?
The Man - No – actually I just heard about it ....
The Scholar – All right. So you do not really know if it is true or not. Now let us try The Second Filter Test – the Filter of GOODNESS.
Is what you are about to tell about my friend something good?
The Man – No, on the contrary ...
The Scholar – So you want to tell me something bad about him – buy you are not certain it is true. You may still pass the test though – because there is one Filter left. This is The Filter of USEFULNESS.
Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?
The Man – No, not really...
The Scholar – Well, if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good – nor even useful – why tell me at all?
The Holy Quraan – Surah 49 – Al Hujaraat – Ayah 12 –
O ye who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting).
And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is The One Who Accepts repentance. Most Merciful.
Now what would you do about this message?
The least you can do is to tell others about it.
During the golden Abbasid period, one of The Scholars in Baghdad – the capital of Muslim Caliphate at that time – was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem.
One day, an acquaintance met The Great Scholar and said – Do you know what I just heard about your friend?
The Scholar - Hold on a minute, before telling me anything I would like you to pass a little Test. It is called The Triple Filter Test.
The Man - The Triple Filter Test?
The Scholar – That is right. Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you are going to say.
That is why I call it The Triple Filter Test. The First Filter is TRUTH.
Have you absolutely made sure that what you are about to tell me is TRUE?
The Man - No – actually I just heard about it ....
The Scholar – All right. So you do not really know if it is true or not. Now let us try The Second Filter Test – the Filter of GOODNESS.
Is what you are about to tell about my friend something good?
The Man – No, on the contrary ...
The Scholar – So you want to tell me something bad about him – buy you are not certain it is true. You may still pass the test though – because there is one Filter left. This is The Filter of USEFULNESS.
Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?
The Man – No, not really...
The Scholar – Well, if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good – nor even useful – why tell me at all?
The Holy Quraan – Surah 49 – Al Hujaraat – Ayah 12 –
O ye who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting).
And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is The One Who Accepts repentance. Most Merciful.
Now what would you do about this message?
The least you can do is to tell others about it.
The Great King Alexander Death Wish!
The Great King Alexander’s Three Death Wishes.
The Great King Alexander – after conquering many kingdoms – was returning home. On the way, he fell ill and he was bedridden for months. With death drawing close, Alexander realized how his conquests – his great army – his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no use to him now.
He called all his generals and said – I will depart from the world soon. But I have three wishes. Please fulfill my wishes without fail. With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their King’s last wishes
My First Desire is that – said Alexander – my Physicians alone must carry my coffin.
Secondly – when my coffin is being carried to the grave – the path leading to the graveyard should be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury.
My Third and Last wish is that both my hands should be kept dangling out of my coffin.
The people that had gathered there wondered at the King’s strange wishes. But no one dared to question;
Alexander’s favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. O King – we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?
At this Alexander took a deep breath and said – I would like the World to know of Three Lessons I have just learnt.
I want my Physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no Doctor can really cure anybody. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of Death. So let not people take life for granted.
The Second Wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the way to the graveyard is to tell people that that not even a fraction of gold can be taken by me. Let people realize that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.
And about my Third Wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin – I want people to know that I came empty handed into this world – and empty handed I go out of this world.
Alexander’s last words – Bury my body – do not build any monument for me – keep my hands outside so that the world knows the person who conquered the world had nothing in his hands when dying……
The Great King Alexander – after conquering many kingdoms – was returning home. On the way, he fell ill and he was bedridden for months. With death drawing close, Alexander realized how his conquests – his great army – his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no use to him now.
He called all his generals and said – I will depart from the world soon. But I have three wishes. Please fulfill my wishes without fail. With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their King’s last wishes
My First Desire is that – said Alexander – my Physicians alone must carry my coffin.
Secondly – when my coffin is being carried to the grave – the path leading to the graveyard should be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury.
My Third and Last wish is that both my hands should be kept dangling out of my coffin.
The people that had gathered there wondered at the King’s strange wishes. But no one dared to question;
Alexander’s favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. O King – we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?
At this Alexander took a deep breath and said – I would like the World to know of Three Lessons I have just learnt.
I want my Physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no Doctor can really cure anybody. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of Death. So let not people take life for granted.
The Second Wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the way to the graveyard is to tell people that that not even a fraction of gold can be taken by me. Let people realize that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.
And about my Third Wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin – I want people to know that I came empty handed into this world – and empty handed I go out of this world.
Alexander’s last words – Bury my body – do not build any monument for me – keep my hands outside so that the world knows the person who conquered the world had nothing in his hands when dying……
I am not crying because of the money!
A man reached 70 years of age and he faced a disease; he could not urinate. The doctors informed him that he was in need of an operation to cure this disease. He agreed to have the operation done as the problem was giving him much pain for days. When the operation was completed, his doctor gave him the bill which covered all the costs. The old man looked at the bill and started to cry.
Upon seeing this the doctor told him that if the cost was too high then they could make some other arrangements. The old man said “I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah let me urinate for 70 years and He never sent me a bill.”
…and if you try to count the blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them… {Surah Ibrahim}
Upon seeing this the doctor told him that if the cost was too high then they could make some other arrangements. The old man said “I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah let me urinate for 70 years and He never sent me a bill.”
…and if you try to count the blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them… {Surah Ibrahim}
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
This is a very informative documentary film (in 12 parts) on the Life of Prophet Mohamed; Peace be upon him.
Best Regards
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
From East African Yahoo Group (Kenya)
Best Regards
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
From East African Yahoo Group (Kenya)
Prophet Muhammad: On the birth of the most influential person in history
Prophet Muhammad: On the birth of the most influential person in history
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful.
"Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are strong against the unbelievers and compassionate to each other among themselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh (bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving for the blessings from Allah and His good pleasure.
They have the marks of Sajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in the Torah; and their similitude in the Gospel; they are like the seed, which puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomes thick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of the seed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet to those of them, who will believe and do good deeds, Allah has promised forgiveness and a great reward."(Qur'an 48:27-29).
"THE mission and guidance I have been vouchsafed to deliver to the world is like this; a man made a bonfire and when it illuminated the surroundings, insects began to jump into it. You also want to take a leap into the fire in a like manner but I am holding you by your waists to save you from falling into the eternal fire." -Prophet Muhammad
Sometime in June 2000, Michael Hart did a survey of the hundred most influential person in history. At the end of the day he placed Prophet Muhammad at the top. He says as follows:
"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels... Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader.
"Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive... Like all religions, Islam exerts an enormous influence upon the lives of its followers. It is for this reason that the founders of the world's great religions all figure prominently in this book. Since there are roughly twice as many Christians as Moslems in the world, it may initially seem strange that Muhammad has been ranked higher than Jesus.
"There are two principal reasons for that decision. First, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of Islam than Jesus did in the development of Christianity. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity (in so far as these differed from Judaism), St. Paul was the main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytiser, and the author of a large portion of the New Testament.
"Furthermore, Muhammad (unlike Jesus) was a secular as well as a religious leader. In fact, as the driving force behind the Arab conquests, he may well rank as the most influential political leader of all time... the Arab conquests of the seventh century have continued to play an important role in human history, down to the present day. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history"
Hart's research result is here not being celebrated. Rather, we are recalling that effort for its pertinence and particularly because it is germane to this occasion when the birth of the last of all real Prophets of Allah, the Prophet who came with the last testament to humanity, the Prophet who was raised at the centre of the world to deliver the message of Allah to humanity is being marked.
Hart's book also calls attention to other non-Moslems' assessment of the persona and the message of Prophet Muhammad. Consider the statement of Mahatma Gandhi on the Prophet of Islam: "I wanted to know the best of the life of one, who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind.... I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life.
"It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life" Place on a scale the observation of."
While commenting on the ministry of Prophet of Muhammad (upon him be peace), Gibbon made a statement as far back as 1823 as follows: "The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty. The Apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family, he kindled the fire, swept the floor, milked the ewes and mended with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he observed without effort of vanity the abstemious diet of an Arab."
Consider the words of Lamartine on the leader of all Prophets, Muhammad son of Abdullah: "If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of a human genius, who could dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws, and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes.
"This man moved not only armies, legislation, empires, peoples, dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and the souls.”
On the basis of a book, every letter, which has become law, he created a spiritual nationality which blend together peoples of every tongue and race. He has left the indelible characteristic of this Moslem nationality the hatred of false gods and the passion for the One and Immaterial God. This avenging patriotism against the profanation of Heaven formed the virtue of the followers of Muhammad; the conquest of one-third the earth to the dogma was his miracle; or rather it was not the miracle of man but that of reason.
Add to the above the following statement from Sedew, a French scholar, who says of the Prophet Muhammad as follows, "he smiled readily and often, yet he was of a serious disposition. He was the most generous of his people, kind to his neighbour, courteous, faithful and trustworthy. He was the bravest of men and the most sensitive"
But who was this man? He is named Abul Qasim Muhammad b. Abdullah b. Abdul Mutallib b. Hashim b Abdul Manaf... b. Adnan. His mother is Aminah daughter of Wahab...Marrat. He was born on Monday, he was commissioned into prophethood on Monday, he left Makkah on migration (hijrah) to Madinah on Monday, he arrived Madinah on Monday, he placed the black stone on its present spot in the Kaaba on Monday, he died on Monday.
Who was Muhammad - upon him be peace and blessings of Allah? He was born an orphan but rose to become a head of state. Moslem parents of today usually assume their presence is sine qua non for the success of their children.
But Abdullah lived till such a time he delivered the seed in the womb of his wife, Aminah, before he transmitted to the great beyond, Aminah also lived till such a time the infant Muhammad could be separated from the womb and the bosom that bore him before she departed this world.
We learn from this the solemn fact that parents are nothing but agents in the hands of the Allah, we partakers in the unknowable scheme of the Almighty; we are puns - children and their forebears- in the chessboard of our creator.
Children who see their parents on a daily basis easily forget their creator. In the morning and in the evening you hear them shout: "my daddy, my mummy! But those who have no parents call on Allah on a permanent basis. In other words, while the former shouts my daddy! My mummy! The latter shouts ya rabbi! ya rabbi! (my lord! My lord!)
Before he was commissioned as a prophet, his nudity was never seen, he never drank alcohol, never ate from a feast dedicated to idols and never sworn by other than Allah. He was light in complexion, his shoulders were broad, his face usually shined brightly as if on a dark night. He had black hair, tender skin, broad chest, moderate height, high forehead.
He was sweet in speech and usually keep silent most of the time. He usually walked rapidly and lightly with long strides. His clothing generally consisted of two pieces of cloth. He used to begin and end speeches with 'bismillah." He used to look more on to the ground than he did to the heavens out of respect and awe to the authority in the heavens. He never repelled evil with evil but with good.
Who was that man? He was the unlettered Prophet who was given a book, which made knowledge the most worthwhile investment one could bequeath to the world. He never had a chance of learning from a scholar but was blessed with a book, which makes scholarship the best profession known to humanity.
He was given a book which talks about astronomy and space exploration at a time the NASA and the powers that be in the U.S. had not been born. He was given a book, which talks about biology and reproduction at a time the human physiology was still unknown and uncharted.
He was given a book, which talks about geology and archaeology at a time oceanography and oil exploration had not occurred to humanity, he was given a book which talks about economics and the evil of round-tripping at a time stock market had not been conceived, he was given a book, which talks about numerology at a time algebra and the only formula I remember of the mathematics I was taught in my post-primary school- the almighty formula- had not been discovered.
Prophet Muhammad was taught to read a book, which is itself all about reading- a book which contains a hundred and fourteen chapters, six thousand six hundred sixty-six verses which were revealed both in Makkah and Madina. Whereas the Qur'an is known and seen today as a book, it is equally a book which is a seal of all revealed books.
Who was that man, Muhammad? He was a man who began his life as an orphan and ended his life as a state man; he was employed by the most wealthy of his era and soon became the consort, the husband of the most-sought after woman of his clime (Khadijah).
He was a bachelor who never engaged in "sampling" before he got married and having got married, he remained a faithful and a confidant to his wife. Muhammad was blessed with children, boys and girls; Muhammad was a man who buried all his children except one while he was alive! Each time he buried his child, he never asked the popular question among the faint at heart, why me?
Muhammad was married to women, who were blessed with the fruit of the womb, he was also, and ironically too, a man who was married to a woman, who was destined never to taste the joy of motherhood. To be married and be blessed with a child is a blessing; to be married and to be barren is not a curse!
Muhammad was a leader of a group who later became the leader of a community who later became the leader of a nation. In his person, we have insights into the elements, which make the ideal leader- that leader that the world is in acute need of today. He was just, compassionate, kind, deracinated, detribalised and gender-sensitive. He was contented with the little that today could offer; he never yearned to own billions of dollars and naira as is the sole concern of our politicians today- billions that generations yet unborn will never exhaust.
Prophet Muhammad knew the world for what it is - beautiful, alluring and fragile like the balloon. He knew and taught us that the person, who covets the world, will never be satisfied with the world. He taught us that the world is like a fountain, which makes the greedy thirsty, but the more he sips from the world, the thirstier he becomes.
Anas b. Abi Malik served the Prophet Muhammad for ten years and for a decade was never rebuked for a moment nor did the Prophet ever spoke a harsh word to him. He says further: "I joined the service of the Prophet when I was eight; I served him for ten years. Not even for once did he rebuke me for any fault of mine"
Prophet Muhammad once had a she-camel named Adba which used to run faster than other camels. But one day, a Bedouin entered the city of Madinah and boasted that his camel is capable of beating that of the Prophet in a race. Soon the camels were set up against each other in a race and the Bedouin's camel eventually overtook that of the Prophet. The companions were sad over the incident. But the Prophet quickly intervened saying: "It is Allah who elevates in this world and then when He wants He lowers"
In other words, we have in his persona a prophet, who would never let a moment pass by without deriving meaning from it for humanity. This is because moments of life are meant to be lived, to be encoded with meaning, to be endowed with life; a life that nourishes, that enlivens, that brings humanity back to its origin.
He was once asked, who will be under the shade of Allah's throne on the day of resurrection?
He responded saying: the king who is just; the young person who remembers Allah often, the one who remembers Allah in seclusion and tears flows from their eyes; the one who loves to stay in the mosque, two people who love for the sake of Allah and parts for His sake, the man who a beautiful and dignified lady tries to seduce in isolation and he declines and says, " I fear Allah," the one who gives in charity such that no one knows about it" Who was Muhammad? A friend to the Christians; a neighbour to the Jew.
He was once asked: Who is the most honourable person? He said, the most pious. They said again, we want to know the most honourable person. He said, Yusuf the prophet of Allah, who happened to be the son of the prophet of Allah and the son of a friend of Allah."
He was asked: Who is the most afflicted of all creatures of Allah? He said, "Prophets of Allah, then those, who are like them, then those who are like them. A man would be tested in accordance with his religious status."
In 610 he received the first revelation in the Quran. This occurred in a cave in Makkah where he had repaired to reflect over the circumstance of the people of his time, the circumstance of humanity today, young and old, who were steeped in ignorance, men and women, who neck-deep in debauchery, the rich and the poor, who were engaged in macabre dance of savagery and self-assured destruction.
Makkah before 610 A.D was like the modern cities of today, cities where women's nudity are paraded as if in shopping malls, where chastity is abhorred the same way the unbeliever detests death, where the injustice is the order of the day as is the situation in the contemporary world where justice has been manacled.
Prophet Muhammad took refuge in the cave and soon heard a call or command: Recite! (or read!) In the name of your Lord Who created- created man from clots of blood. Recite! Your Lord is the Most Gracious, who taught by the pen, taught man what he knew not. (96: 1-5)
The above verses speak about knowledge, how to acquire it and to whom knowledge should be dedicated. They establish the primacy of intellectualism over and above the abyss and the oddities of ignorance. The verses marked the beginning of a journey - ten years of prophethood calling in Makkah during which the Prophet together with those who heeded his call were subjected to the most harrowing of all treatments; thirteen years of sojourn in Madina during which Islam realized its full potentials.
When the Makkans fought him it was not because they detested his character, they fought him because he was calling them to higher values- values which would outlast the trappings and momentary pleasures of this world.
Who was Muhammad? He started his life as an employee and displayed much trust and confidence in the discharge of his duties. He taught humanity that in order to be a good leader one must begin by being a good follower.
He never embezzled the proceeds of the business, which he was mandated by Khadijah to discharge for her. Millions never disappeared from the treasury the care of which he was saddled. He was known as a trustworthy person. The young and the old in Makkah used to put their properties and wealth under his watch. He was kind, gentle and compassionate.
The biography of the Prophet of Islam images the history of Makkah- and that of Madina. Makkah was a place where Islam was oppressed. Madina was a space where Islam gained its freedom, Makkah was a place the Prophet was born, Madina was destined to be the place where he would be buried, Makkah was the laboratory in which the concept of martyrdom was experimented with. Madina was the terrain in which the idea of religious freedom and multiculturalism was operationalised.
When taken together, Makkah and Madina became the twin cities of
Prophet Muhammad, the duality of the triple cities of Islam, the third being Jerusalem in Palestine.
When taken together, Makkah and Madina became for the Prophet what it has become for Muslims and forever too: cities where humanity is taught how to behave, first outside power and second, inside power, cities where men are made not only by virtue of the action they took but equally by serving as witnesses, and active ones for that matter, to others in action.
Prophet Muhammad left this world without an estate. No road was named after him. You get Madina today and you would not hear of a stadium named after him. You get to Makkah today and you would not hear about a hospital named after him. But Muhammad lives on - in the minds of billions of Moslems, but Muhammad lives on in the books written by his followers and traducers.
His name is mentioned at least five times everyday, on the mountains and in the desert, on the oceans and on the land. He left behind a religion which, when its adherents are conquered, usually conquer the conqueror.
George Bernard Shaw says, "if any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam."•
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful.
"Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are strong against the unbelievers and compassionate to each other among themselves. When you see them, you will find them making Rakuh (bowing down) and Sajud (prostrate in prayers), and craving for the blessings from Allah and His good pleasure.
They have the marks of Sajud (prostration) on their foreheads, the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in the Torah; and their similitude in the Gospel; they are like the seed, which puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, then becomes thick and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers of the seed, so that through them He may enrage the unbelievers. Yet to those of them, who will believe and do good deeds, Allah has promised forgiveness and a great reward."(Qur'an 48:27-29).
"THE mission and guidance I have been vouchsafed to deliver to the world is like this; a man made a bonfire and when it illuminated the surroundings, insects began to jump into it. You also want to take a leap into the fire in a like manner but I am holding you by your waists to save you from falling into the eternal fire." -Prophet Muhammad
Sometime in June 2000, Michael Hart did a survey of the hundred most influential person in history. At the end of the day he placed Prophet Muhammad at the top. He says as follows:
"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels... Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader.
"Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive... Like all religions, Islam exerts an enormous influence upon the lives of its followers. It is for this reason that the founders of the world's great religions all figure prominently in this book. Since there are roughly twice as many Christians as Moslems in the world, it may initially seem strange that Muhammad has been ranked higher than Jesus.
"There are two principal reasons for that decision. First, Muhammad played a far more important role in the development of Islam than Jesus did in the development of Christianity. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ethical and moral precepts of Christianity (in so far as these differed from Judaism), St. Paul was the main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytiser, and the author of a large portion of the New Testament.
"Furthermore, Muhammad (unlike Jesus) was a secular as well as a religious leader. In fact, as the driving force behind the Arab conquests, he may well rank as the most influential political leader of all time... the Arab conquests of the seventh century have continued to play an important role in human history, down to the present day. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history"
Hart's research result is here not being celebrated. Rather, we are recalling that effort for its pertinence and particularly because it is germane to this occasion when the birth of the last of all real Prophets of Allah, the Prophet who came with the last testament to humanity, the Prophet who was raised at the centre of the world to deliver the message of Allah to humanity is being marked.
Hart's book also calls attention to other non-Moslems' assessment of the persona and the message of Prophet Muhammad. Consider the statement of Mahatma Gandhi on the Prophet of Islam: "I wanted to know the best of the life of one, who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind.... I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life.
"It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life" Place on a scale the observation of."
While commenting on the ministry of Prophet of Muhammad (upon him be peace), Gibbon made a statement as far back as 1823 as follows: "The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty. The Apostle of God submitted to the menial offices of the family, he kindled the fire, swept the floor, milked the ewes and mended with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he observed without effort of vanity the abstemious diet of an Arab."
Consider the words of Lamartine on the leader of all Prophets, Muhammad son of Abdullah: "If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of a human genius, who could dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws, and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes.
"This man moved not only armies, legislation, empires, peoples, dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and the souls.”
On the basis of a book, every letter, which has become law, he created a spiritual nationality which blend together peoples of every tongue and race. He has left the indelible characteristic of this Moslem nationality the hatred of false gods and the passion for the One and Immaterial God. This avenging patriotism against the profanation of Heaven formed the virtue of the followers of Muhammad; the conquest of one-third the earth to the dogma was his miracle; or rather it was not the miracle of man but that of reason.
Add to the above the following statement from Sedew, a French scholar, who says of the Prophet Muhammad as follows, "he smiled readily and often, yet he was of a serious disposition. He was the most generous of his people, kind to his neighbour, courteous, faithful and trustworthy. He was the bravest of men and the most sensitive"
But who was this man? He is named Abul Qasim Muhammad b. Abdullah b. Abdul Mutallib b. Hashim b Abdul Manaf... b. Adnan. His mother is Aminah daughter of Wahab...Marrat. He was born on Monday, he was commissioned into prophethood on Monday, he left Makkah on migration (hijrah) to Madinah on Monday, he arrived Madinah on Monday, he placed the black stone on its present spot in the Kaaba on Monday, he died on Monday.
Who was Muhammad - upon him be peace and blessings of Allah? He was born an orphan but rose to become a head of state. Moslem parents of today usually assume their presence is sine qua non for the success of their children.
But Abdullah lived till such a time he delivered the seed in the womb of his wife, Aminah, before he transmitted to the great beyond, Aminah also lived till such a time the infant Muhammad could be separated from the womb and the bosom that bore him before she departed this world.
We learn from this the solemn fact that parents are nothing but agents in the hands of the Allah, we partakers in the unknowable scheme of the Almighty; we are puns - children and their forebears- in the chessboard of our creator.
Children who see their parents on a daily basis easily forget their creator. In the morning and in the evening you hear them shout: "my daddy, my mummy! But those who have no parents call on Allah on a permanent basis. In other words, while the former shouts my daddy! My mummy! The latter shouts ya rabbi! ya rabbi! (my lord! My lord!)
Before he was commissioned as a prophet, his nudity was never seen, he never drank alcohol, never ate from a feast dedicated to idols and never sworn by other than Allah. He was light in complexion, his shoulders were broad, his face usually shined brightly as if on a dark night. He had black hair, tender skin, broad chest, moderate height, high forehead.
He was sweet in speech and usually keep silent most of the time. He usually walked rapidly and lightly with long strides. His clothing generally consisted of two pieces of cloth. He used to begin and end speeches with 'bismillah." He used to look more on to the ground than he did to the heavens out of respect and awe to the authority in the heavens. He never repelled evil with evil but with good.
Who was that man? He was the unlettered Prophet who was given a book, which made knowledge the most worthwhile investment one could bequeath to the world. He never had a chance of learning from a scholar but was blessed with a book, which makes scholarship the best profession known to humanity.
He was given a book which talks about astronomy and space exploration at a time the NASA and the powers that be in the U.S. had not been born. He was given a book, which talks about biology and reproduction at a time the human physiology was still unknown and uncharted.
He was given a book, which talks about geology and archaeology at a time oceanography and oil exploration had not occurred to humanity, he was given a book which talks about economics and the evil of round-tripping at a time stock market had not been conceived, he was given a book, which talks about numerology at a time algebra and the only formula I remember of the mathematics I was taught in my post-primary school- the almighty formula- had not been discovered.
Prophet Muhammad was taught to read a book, which is itself all about reading- a book which contains a hundred and fourteen chapters, six thousand six hundred sixty-six verses which were revealed both in Makkah and Madina. Whereas the Qur'an is known and seen today as a book, it is equally a book which is a seal of all revealed books.
Who was that man, Muhammad? He was a man who began his life as an orphan and ended his life as a state man; he was employed by the most wealthy of his era and soon became the consort, the husband of the most-sought after woman of his clime (Khadijah).
He was a bachelor who never engaged in "sampling" before he got married and having got married, he remained a faithful and a confidant to his wife. Muhammad was blessed with children, boys and girls; Muhammad was a man who buried all his children except one while he was alive! Each time he buried his child, he never asked the popular question among the faint at heart, why me?
Muhammad was married to women, who were blessed with the fruit of the womb, he was also, and ironically too, a man who was married to a woman, who was destined never to taste the joy of motherhood. To be married and be blessed with a child is a blessing; to be married and to be barren is not a curse!
Muhammad was a leader of a group who later became the leader of a community who later became the leader of a nation. In his person, we have insights into the elements, which make the ideal leader- that leader that the world is in acute need of today. He was just, compassionate, kind, deracinated, detribalised and gender-sensitive. He was contented with the little that today could offer; he never yearned to own billions of dollars and naira as is the sole concern of our politicians today- billions that generations yet unborn will never exhaust.
Prophet Muhammad knew the world for what it is - beautiful, alluring and fragile like the balloon. He knew and taught us that the person, who covets the world, will never be satisfied with the world. He taught us that the world is like a fountain, which makes the greedy thirsty, but the more he sips from the world, the thirstier he becomes.
Anas b. Abi Malik served the Prophet Muhammad for ten years and for a decade was never rebuked for a moment nor did the Prophet ever spoke a harsh word to him. He says further: "I joined the service of the Prophet when I was eight; I served him for ten years. Not even for once did he rebuke me for any fault of mine"
Prophet Muhammad once had a she-camel named Adba which used to run faster than other camels. But one day, a Bedouin entered the city of Madinah and boasted that his camel is capable of beating that of the Prophet in a race. Soon the camels were set up against each other in a race and the Bedouin's camel eventually overtook that of the Prophet. The companions were sad over the incident. But the Prophet quickly intervened saying: "It is Allah who elevates in this world and then when He wants He lowers"
In other words, we have in his persona a prophet, who would never let a moment pass by without deriving meaning from it for humanity. This is because moments of life are meant to be lived, to be encoded with meaning, to be endowed with life; a life that nourishes, that enlivens, that brings humanity back to its origin.
He was once asked, who will be under the shade of Allah's throne on the day of resurrection?
He responded saying: the king who is just; the young person who remembers Allah often, the one who remembers Allah in seclusion and tears flows from their eyes; the one who loves to stay in the mosque, two people who love for the sake of Allah and parts for His sake, the man who a beautiful and dignified lady tries to seduce in isolation and he declines and says, " I fear Allah," the one who gives in charity such that no one knows about it" Who was Muhammad? A friend to the Christians; a neighbour to the Jew.
He was once asked: Who is the most honourable person? He said, the most pious. They said again, we want to know the most honourable person. He said, Yusuf the prophet of Allah, who happened to be the son of the prophet of Allah and the son of a friend of Allah."
He was asked: Who is the most afflicted of all creatures of Allah? He said, "Prophets of Allah, then those, who are like them, then those who are like them. A man would be tested in accordance with his religious status."
In 610 he received the first revelation in the Quran. This occurred in a cave in Makkah where he had repaired to reflect over the circumstance of the people of his time, the circumstance of humanity today, young and old, who were steeped in ignorance, men and women, who neck-deep in debauchery, the rich and the poor, who were engaged in macabre dance of savagery and self-assured destruction.
Makkah before 610 A.D was like the modern cities of today, cities where women's nudity are paraded as if in shopping malls, where chastity is abhorred the same way the unbeliever detests death, where the injustice is the order of the day as is the situation in the contemporary world where justice has been manacled.
Prophet Muhammad took refuge in the cave and soon heard a call or command: Recite! (or read!) In the name of your Lord Who created- created man from clots of blood. Recite! Your Lord is the Most Gracious, who taught by the pen, taught man what he knew not. (96: 1-5)
The above verses speak about knowledge, how to acquire it and to whom knowledge should be dedicated. They establish the primacy of intellectualism over and above the abyss and the oddities of ignorance. The verses marked the beginning of a journey - ten years of prophethood calling in Makkah during which the Prophet together with those who heeded his call were subjected to the most harrowing of all treatments; thirteen years of sojourn in Madina during which Islam realized its full potentials.
When the Makkans fought him it was not because they detested his character, they fought him because he was calling them to higher values- values which would outlast the trappings and momentary pleasures of this world.
Who was Muhammad? He started his life as an employee and displayed much trust and confidence in the discharge of his duties. He taught humanity that in order to be a good leader one must begin by being a good follower.
He never embezzled the proceeds of the business, which he was mandated by Khadijah to discharge for her. Millions never disappeared from the treasury the care of which he was saddled. He was known as a trustworthy person. The young and the old in Makkah used to put their properties and wealth under his watch. He was kind, gentle and compassionate.
The biography of the Prophet of Islam images the history of Makkah- and that of Madina. Makkah was a place where Islam was oppressed. Madina was a space where Islam gained its freedom, Makkah was a place the Prophet was born, Madina was destined to be the place where he would be buried, Makkah was the laboratory in which the concept of martyrdom was experimented with. Madina was the terrain in which the idea of religious freedom and multiculturalism was operationalised.
When taken together, Makkah and Madina became the twin cities of
Prophet Muhammad, the duality of the triple cities of Islam, the third being Jerusalem in Palestine.
When taken together, Makkah and Madina became for the Prophet what it has become for Muslims and forever too: cities where humanity is taught how to behave, first outside power and second, inside power, cities where men are made not only by virtue of the action they took but equally by serving as witnesses, and active ones for that matter, to others in action.
Prophet Muhammad left this world without an estate. No road was named after him. You get Madina today and you would not hear of a stadium named after him. You get to Makkah today and you would not hear about a hospital named after him. But Muhammad lives on - in the minds of billions of Moslems, but Muhammad lives on in the books written by his followers and traducers.
His name is mentioned at least five times everyday, on the mountains and in the desert, on the oceans and on the land. He left behind a religion which, when its adherents are conquered, usually conquer the conqueror.
George Bernard Shaw says, "if any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam."•
I am Not Crying Because Of The Money!

A man reached 70 years of age and he faced a disease; he could not urinate. The doctors informed him that he was in need of an operation to cure this disease. He agreed to have the operation done as the problem was giving him much pain for days. When the operation was completed, his doctor gave him the bill which covered all the costs.
The old man looked at the bill and started to cry. Upon seeing this the doctor told him that if the cost was too high then they could make some other arrangements. The old man said “I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah let me urinate for 70 years and He never sent me a bill.”
…and if you try to count the blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them… {Surah Ibrahim}
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